KaTosha O’Daniel

Creative Direction · Writing · Storytelling

My Story

Writing that’s about more than words.

Hi, I’m KaTosha – an award-winning creative director and writer who specializes in story, character, and product development, creative direction, and copywriting for globally recognized brands and intellectual properties, consumer products, toys and board games, food and beverage, social channels and apps, electric vehicles, themed entertainment and attractions, and location-based experiences.

I also have a pretty solid background, specifically a PhD, in transmedia storytelling, story adaptations, and understanding the way people create, share, and immerse themselves in story worlds.

Explore the tabs in this portfolio to get a better idea of my range, creative style, where I’ve been, and what I’m dreaming of next. Or scroll down to learn about what inspires me. 

My Mission

Pioneer and reimagine customer experiences through words and stories that connect us all.

What Inspires Me

Tell great stories.

In any medium. At any stage of development. I fearlessly push the boundaries of brands and customer journeys, and see every deliverable as a blank slate for storytelling. I’ll give your email content block and CTA the same level of attention to storytelling as I would give to designing an entire theme park. Yes, I’m that detailed.

Embrace everyone.

I approach every project with diversity and inclusivity design thinking – from strategy and blue sky concepts, to implementation and public launch. I’ve completed Diversity and Inclusivity training under the guidance of Carmen Smith, VP of Creative Development, Diversity and Inclusivity at Walt Disney Imagineering. My pronouns are: She, Her, Hers.

Not a one-trick pony.

My passion is about finding the right people, teams, leaders, and purpose-driven projects to focus on. And my range is far and wide. I have experience in marketing and ad writing, creative briefs, executive presentations, and complex matrices. I’ve launched social channels and location-based activations for Fortune 100 companies. And I’ve developed stories, characters, and immersive worlds for board games, theme park attractions, cruise lines, restaurants, retail, and location-based experiences.

Provide unforgettable experiences.

What makes my writing different? It’s about more than writing. I jump in where your team is, listen – a lot, and create meaningful stories, experiences, and yes – words, that are just right for you.

Be kind.

I’m not a jerk. And I don’t let my ego anywhere near the door, or the building, or the block, or the city limits… Southern hospitality is in my DNA. I believe in being kind. Being honest. And treating people like people. Always.

Be a team player.

I’ve partnered with architects, special effects artists, meat cutters, voice over actors, executives, gamers, food stylists, non-profits, chocolatiers, historians, and a long list of creatives who inspire me to tell great stories with great people.

Love the earth.

I’ve created eco-conscious stories, championed bio-based products and packaging, and created copy and content to help foster a sense of environmentalism from theme parks, to board games, to Fortune 100 companies. It’s my tiny way of making our big blue world cleaner and greener for generations to come.

Let’s Connect

Feel free to reach out and let me know if something has inspired you here, to collaborate with me, or to talk about what’s on your bookshelf. Drop me a line at katoshaodaniel@gmail.com or use this nifty little contact form to get in touch. Owl post is cool, too.